How SSL works and why is it so important

How SSL works and why is it so important

Whether you own a small store online or have a significant online e-commerce business, it’s essential to protect your customer’s data at any cost. So, in this article, we will discover how SSL works and why it is important to implement on-site accepting online payments. 

What is SSL? 

SSL is an acronym for “Secure Sockets Layer.”  SSL is an added layer of protection for your site. SSL is simply a protocol that encrypts the information transfer between the client application, mostly a browser and online server. It is also known as TSL (Transport Security Layer). SSL protects sensitive information such as payment information and personal details used by the customers while performing a transaction.

How does SSL Certificate work?

  • A browser attempts to connect a website (i.e. a server) secured with SSL. The Browser/server request to identifies the application itself.
  • The webserver responds with the server copy of its SSL certificate.
  • The browser checks the certificate provided by the webserver and decides whether to trust or not the SSL certificate. If so, sends a token to the server.
  • Then the webserver sends a digitally signed acknowledgment to start the SSL secured session.
  • The data shared between the browser, and the webserver is fully encrypted. 

Why is it essential to have SSL in India?

The majority of online shoppers are very selective when it comes to making online payments. Therefore, you must convince them their privacy is guaranteed. So, the customers can trust your business and your products. An SSL enabled online website improves customer’s trust in your business. Trust is the most important factor when it comes to paying for online gaming and casino sites. 

According to the Internet and mobile associate in India, also known as IAMAI, SSL is a crucial thing in India. Especially for industries like online pharmacies, online finance sites like banks, and the online gambling industry.

The casino site has more chance of being attacked by hackers or the fraudsters pretending the visitors to be someone else. So, they need solid security. SSL is a must-have thing for online casino in India, e-commerce sites(Amazon , Flipkart), and even on an online booking and reservation-related websites. A website having SSL ensures a more trustworthy environment where the user can pay and share their information without any hesitation. 

Benefits of SSL/TSL Certificate


  • With an SSL enabled your site is more credible to your customer’s. 

The Browser display you site Properly

  • The new-age browsers like Google Chrome, show a warning to your visitor if the site doesn’t have an SSL installed on it.

Improved Site Speed

  • HTTPS is faster than HTTP protocol so it can improve the site speed also.

Search engine ranking 

  • The search engines like google trust more on-site having an SSL certificate. Hence, they get a better ranking in search results.

Encrypted payments.

  • The payments happening on your site are encrypted and safe from malicious users like hackers.
Computer Engineer, Blogger, passionate for tech journalism and loves to explore and play with new smartphones.
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